Rooftop for Self-Consumption with Storage

As electricity prices and solar becomes increasingly competitive, realize maximum total savings on energy costs with our hybrid solution for small commercial.

Solar Solution for:


  • Meet your green targets
  • Contribute to more renewable energy
  • Reduce your utility bill
  • Invest for less OPEX and 5 to 10 year ROI


Enabled by PriorityPower Conext™ XW+ will prioritize the self-consumption of stored battery and PV generated power before purchasing grid power, helping business owners avoid high utility charges. XW+ will also provide for backup in areas prone to grid outages. Conext™ XW+ takes it one step further by enabling excess PV power to be sold using GridSell

Coupling the PV system to the battery bank with Conext™ MPPT Solar Charge Controllers is the most efficient and economical method for self-consumption and for storing PV power. Both Conext™ XW+ and SW will also charge the battery bank from the grid if solar irradiation is insufficient. Batteries and Solar PV can be scaled up as needed. There are two main applications for ParallelPower:

Grid Boosting: Conext™ XW+ and SW can supplement the grid input with the extra power to support large loads, temporarily boosting power within a building with limited grid supply.

Peak Load Shaving: Conext™ XW+ can limit the power draw from the utility connection by adding power above a set point to support large temporary loads, helping avoid peak usage charges.

Conext™ solutions include:

Prioritize consumption of solar power with PriorityPower

Avoid utility demand charges with ParallelPower

Temporarily increase power within the home with ParallelPower

Take advantage of the lower lifetime cost of Lithium-Ion batteries with ChargePower technology

Sell power to the utility with GridSell (Conext™ XW+)
